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Racial tactics by Bunco Squad

It is a sad reflection on the state of justice in the Unites States that, despite its unconstitutionality, Gypsies remain the only American ethnic minority against whom laws still operate, and who specifically named in those laws. As with the Balkan slavery and the Nazi genocide, it too illustrates the the general lack of awareness among non-Gypsies of the true details of Gypsy history, despite the vast number of literary works having Gypsy themes. Some of these laws, only the first two of which were still in effect at the time of this posting.

Questionable Laws ?

1. Gypsies ... for each county ... shall be jointly and severally liable with his or her associates [to a fine of] two thousand dollars (state code of Mississippi, section 27-17-191)


The governing body may make, amend, repeal and enforce ordinances to license and regulate...

Gypsies (New Jersey Statues, 40:52-1)


After the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any ... gypsies to settle within the limits of any county of this state [without having first obtained a yearly license to do so] (Pennsylvania States, section 11810)  


Any person may demand of any ... gypsies that they shall produce or show their license issued within such country, and if they shall refuse to do so, he shall seize all the property in the possession of such {Gypsies} (Pennsylvania Statutes, section 11803)


Gypsies [in the state of Maryland] must pay jurisdictions a license fee of $1000 before settling or doing business. When any gypsy is arrested, all his property and all the property of members of any group with which he may be traveling, can be confiscated and sold to pay any fine a court may levy against the arrested gypsy. sheriff's are paid a $10 bounty for any gypsy they arrest who pays the $1000 fee after he is arrested (Logan, 1976)


Whenever ... gypsies shall be located within any municipality ... the country department of health or joint county department of health shall have power ... to order such {Gypsies} to leave said municipality within the time specified (Pennsylvania Title 53: Municipal and Quasi-Municipal Corporations, Chapter xvii, section 3701)


Texas law refers to "Prostitutes, Gypsies and vagabonds" in the same breath, and charges the Romany people $500 to live there (Bernardo, 1981:108)


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the United States of Indiana, that it shall be unlawful for any band of Gypsies ... to camp in tent, wagon or otherwise, on any public highway in this state, or lands adjacent thereto ... Any person or persons violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty ... and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding twenty-five dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty days, nor both (State of Indiana Statutory Regulations, Section I)"This statutory law has been used so often against the Gypsies in that state, that Indiana has not been visited by Gypsies for a long time" (Marchbin, 1939:152)



Many of these laws, a list of which fills thirty-four pages (Gilbert, 1947:567-601) were inherited from Europe and were intended to be used against the earlier Gypsy populations in the United States; they have since then found new application against the more recently arrived, and more visible, Vlax-speaking Rom. Smart pointed out the injustice inherent in such laws: "Because the state does not require an Irishman to have a license to be Irish, or an Italian to have an an Italian license, it is both un-American and discriminatory for the state to require a Gypsy to have a license to be a Gypsy". See for a complete reading.


Surprisingly, some of these illegal laws are still enforced by a group of retired policemen and ex-sheriffs. The group is known as the Bunco squad, a term derived many years ago. They are currently called " NABI" The National Association of Bunco Investigators.

The word "bunco" comes from the Spanish word "banco," meaning bank, and is used to describe several swindle schemes. Other terms for the swindles are confidence or con games.

In a scheme, the bunco operator:

  • selects a person to participate

  • gains the participant's confidence by telling a believable story

  • asks for the participant's help or promises the participant money or goods

  • asks the participant to show "good faith" by producing cash in advance for the promised money or goods


 This group is trained specifically to target and arrest American Romani people for any crime. Here's what they're website states "

NABI has over 800 members in law enforcement and related fields devoted exclusively to assist in the identification, apprehension, and prosecution of Confidence Crime and certain other Non-Traditional Organized Crime group suspects.

The crimes committed by these suspects are particularly devastating to our senior citizens. Examples of these crimes are: Pigeon Drop, Bank Examiner Scheme, Home Repair Fraud, Fortune Telling Fraud, Sweetheart Swindles, Home Invasion Burglaries, Handkerchief Switch, Lottery Scam and many other crimes that exploit the elderly."( other negative anti- Romani websites :



3. The picture below is a N.A.B.I  "National Association of Bunco Investigators" plaq awarded  to members who arrest the most American Romani's and further their racist training.



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